Word-of-mouth Marketing Helps to Grow Brand Awareness

With the rapid development of the Internet, the power of consumers’ word-of-mouth marketing is rising. A simple comment or a short message may directly affect the development of a brand. Therefore, many enterprises pay more and more attention to the power of consumer word-of-mouth in their marketing. They adopt a series of marketing strategies to continuously stimulate the positive word-of-mouth communication of consumers. With the help of the information communication chain, it leads the brand to a more brilliant era. So, how do enterprises build their own brands by virtue of word-of-mouth marketing in China market? Let’s take a look.

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1. Combine the word-of-mouth and SEO optimization together

As one of the brand marketing methods, word-of-mouth marketing is based on the rise of interactive online media platforms. Those media platforms are blogs and forums. It has gradually become the mainstream marketing ways of major websites and social media platforms. From the perspective of enterprise marketing, word-of-mouth communication can deepen consumers’ awareness of the brand. It also increases the marketing conversion rate of the brand. Therefore, it is often combined with SEO optimization to enhance brand awareness to gain better results. At present, there are many ways to promote brand word-of-mouth from the perspective of SEO. For example, Q&A, news, articles, Baidu Tieba, Baidu Baike, etc. are common ways to achieve word-of-mouth marketing by combining the optimization of brand keywords.

2. Facilitate the second spread of word-of-mouth through online interactions

In the era of social media, everyone is a communicator of information. To arouse the attention of users, a brand needs to attract users with high-quality and eye-catching communication contents. A brand also needs to strengthen online interaction with their users. Thus helps to stimulate individuals to participate in the emotional power of the brand, promote the formation of brand reputation. It can also achieve the secondary communication of the brand with the help of fans. In this continuous cycle of word-of-mouth marketing process, the brand will also spread again and again, forming a viral marketing effect.

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3. Integrate multi-channel to strengthen the online reputation

With the popularization of mobile Internet, the brand marketing of enterprises must integrate with the word-of-mouth sharing of consumers. On the other hand, with the diversification of media, the communication channels of marketing are also increasingly diversified. It is difficult to achieve by one way alone if enterprises want to make their marketing strategies meet the needs of most consumers. Therefore, it is imperative to integrate multi-channel communication to strengthen the power of public praise. In our common communication channels, like articles promotion in major online media, precision marketing relying on big data, social marketing based on mobile media which can strengthen the brand’s reputation. As a result, the integration of these communication channels can not only further promote the brand image, but also help enterprises to build a good reputation.

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Deep Digital China(DDC) is a professional digital marketing agency in China. DDC has always adhered to its own resource advantages to help customize diversified word-of-mouth marketing programs. In the marketing promotion, it not only integrates the word-of-mouth marketing schemes such as SEO, articles and network promotion, but also establishes an excellent team including copywriting, media and editing, constantly optimizes its own promotion channels, seeks a larger market for clients and helps the rapid spread of the brand while realizing the word-of-mouth marketing in China market.

If you are interested in the methods about how to build brand awareness in the era of word-of-mouth marketing in China market, please just contact DDC. We will provide you with a comprehensive proposal including the analyzing of your brand in China and marketing ideas on China’s top Q&A platform and other related digital media.

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