Number of Chinese Students at UK universities Hit Record High

Number of Chinese students at UK universities hit record high according to HESA’s latest report. In the 2021/22 academic year, the number of international students studying in UK higher education institutions continued to grow. Among these, China, India and Nigeria were the main sources of international students.

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1. Number of Chinese students hit a new record

In the 2021/22 academic year, the number of students from Chinese Mainland studying in British higher education institutions was 151690. Meanwhile, the number of students from Hong Kong studying in British higher education institutions was 17630. With a small number of students from Macao and Taiwan, the total number of Chinese students studying in UK reached a record 170000 in the 2021/22 academic year.

2. EU students continued to decline

The data shows that the total number of non-EU students increased from 452225 in the academic year 2020/21 to 559825. In contrast, the total number of EU students decreased from 152905 in the previous year to 120140. Since the Brexit, EU students have to pay more tuition fees to study in the UK. As a result, there came the decline in the number of EU students.

3. International students are willing to enroll in the taught master’s

International students still have a strong desire to study for a taught master’s degree in the UK. In the 2021/22 academic year, the number of international students studying for the UK’s taught master’s degree climbed to 326150, an increase of 80000 over the previous academic year. Non-EU international students are the main driving force for this growth. At the same time, the number of EU students studying for taught master’s degree in the UK continued to drop to 22775, down 8000 from the previous year.

4. Stable number of doctoral candidates

In the 2021/22 academic year, the number of international students studying for doctoral degree in the UK was generally stable, with a total of 46350 international students. The increase of about 2000 non-EU international students just made up for the decrease of EU students. Among them, the number of students from Chinese Mainland studying in the UK continues to grow.

5 Universities with the largest number of international students

University College London, the University of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh continue to maintain the position of the three universities with the largest number of international students. As a result, the number of international students in these three universities has increased. The number of international students in the University of Edinburgh has increased from 15590 to 18050, with the largest increase.

The University of Glasgow has surpassed King’s College London and Coventry University. In 2021/22, Glasgow has received the fourth largest number of international students and 17390 international students.

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There are seven universities with more international students than British students. Firstly, UCL. Secondly, London University of the Arts. Thirdly, Imperial College of Technology. Moreover, BPP University. Then, London School of Economics and Political Science. In addition, Royal College of Arts and London Business School, all of which have their main campuses in London.

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