How to Target Chinese Students?

How to target Chinese students? As the demand for international education grows in China, many educational institutions seek to attract talented students from this large and rapidly-developing market. However, recruiting Chinese students can be a challenging and competitive process. Given these circumstances, how can you effectively and affordably increase the visibility and reputation of your educational institution in China to attract students?

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Source from Statistics.

Motivations for Chinese students to study abroad

Limited space on best local universities

In China, some of the best universities are public universities that get most of their support from the government. Although the number of institutions for higher education and students enrolled in universities in China has increased significantly in the last few years, the pathways to gaining admission to good universities are still limited.

The national exam “Gaokao”

For most people, the national exam “Gaokao” remains the only way to enter a good public university. Therefore, students are studying abroad to avoid the national exam and to gain admission to a better-ranked university.  For some study programs, overseas institutions are better equipped and can provide a more international academic environment. These qualities attract a lot of Chinese scholars. People who have studied abroad are considered to have global insight and better language skills. This will make them more competitive in China’s recruitment market.

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4 Tips on how to Target International Chinese Students

A tailored digital marketing strategy is the key

Developing a digital marketing strategy tailored to Chinese students and their parents is essential for recruiting them. The pandemic has brought the importance of this demographic to light.

WeChat, Weibo, and Baidu are the leading social media platforms in China. If you want to optimize your Chinese student recruitment campaigns, you need to use all available digital platforms. Don’t forget to personalize your content for each user and keep them engaged with fresh material.

Many universities are beginning to utilize social media platforms like WeChat to communicate with potential students from China. New York University, the University of London, and the University of Toronto all have established and verified WeChat accounts. 

Utilizing WeChat for communication purposes allows universities to have a direct channel to speak with potential students who may be interested in studying abroad. In addition, WeChat can be used to provide information about scholarships and other opportunities that may be available to Chinese students.

Leverage Online Platforms / Social Media 

Chinese students are increasingly using online platforms to search for universities, courses, and scholarships. Therefore, universities need to be present on popular Chinese websites such as Weibo, WeChat, and Baidu. Having your own quality Chinese landing page and online presence is essential. These websites allow universities to interact effectively with potential students and promote your institution.

Sharing casual content about student life, events, and initiatives on a platform like Douyin and Xiaohongshu etc. You could give potential students a glimpse into what it would be like to study at your institution.

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Influencers can help you reach out to a wider range of students

If you want to connect with prospective Chinese international students, then maintain an online presence. Creating organic content and collaborating with an educational KOL would be a great way to attract this group and reach your potential students.

Optimise Through SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation)

A significant number of these students (around 90%) say they will use social media (such as Baidu, Xiaohongshu, and Sogou) when deciding about which institution or school to attend. Therefore institutions can establish their reputation and status by publishing useful, reliable content on reputable platforms.

It is crucial to provide consistent fresh content and ensure that it is easy to access and search on Chinese websites through Mandarin keyword searches. Including specific Chinese keywords and phrases on your website, you can make search engines in China prioritise your website. Besides, your website will rank higher in search results.

Moreover, to improve your website ranking on Baidu, you can build links from Chinese websites by partnering with Chinese universities and educational organisations. Or by creating high-quality content that Chinese websites will want to link to. Around 70% of Chinese students use their phones as their primary research tool for researching different options. Therefore, optimising your website to be mobile-friendly and easy to use on these devices is essential.

We can help you reach out to Chinese students

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We are Deep Digital China, a Chinese digital marketing agency has a proven track record in terms of quality and results and the initial platform that helps businesses promote their products and services in China. And we will guarantee your campaigns’ success on every channel. If you are seeking ways to target international Chinese students, don’t hesitate to contact us for support.