Key Messages on Recruiting Students in China

What message should international universities deliver when recruiting students in China since China’s expanding middle class emphasis more on quality education. This presents a major opportunity for international universities to attract top Chinese talent. However, succeeding in the competitive Chinese market requires strategic communication tailored to local students and parents. Here are some of the most effective messages international universities should focus on delivering in China:

Key Messages for International Universities Recruiting Students in China -P1

Highlight World-Class Facilities

Prospective students and parents in China care deeply about state-of-the-art facilities and resources. Highlight modern dorms, cutting-edge labs, impressive libraries, and technology-enabled classrooms. Share pictures and videos to showcase campus infrastructure and learning environments. Promote unique facilities like innovator spaces, sports complexes, and performing arts centers.

Emphasize Personalized Support when recruiting students

Many Chinese students worry about cultural adjustment and academic stress abroad. Ensure them by emphasizing robust support systems for international students. Discuss faculty mentorship programs, peer counseling groups, mental health services, and academic assistance resources. Outline support provided through each step of the application process.

Key Messages for International Universities Recruiting Students in China -P2

Showcase Career Success of Alumni

Chinese students and parents regard overseas education as an investment in future careers. Demonstrate your graduates’ success by highlighting accomplished alumni working at top global companies or pursuing further education. Share statistics on employment rates and average starting salaries. Feature alumni testimonials on how the university experience enabled their career goals.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion when recruiting students

China is more homogenous than many destination countries for studying abroad. Position your university as a welcoming community for students from all backgrounds. Share diversity statistics and state your commitment to equity and inclusion. Highlight student clubs, cultural events, and other initiatives that promote cross-cultural exchange on campus. 

Key Messages for International Universities Recruiting Students in China -P3

Communicate Scholarship Availability

The cost of international education is a top concern. Proactively communicate options to lower financial burden through merit scholarships, needs-based aid and teaching assistantships. Share eligibility criteria and application timelines. Feature stories of Chinese students awarded financial aid by your university.

Partner with Education Agents when recruiting students

Work closely with education agents trusted by Chinese families to disseminate key messages. Equip agent counselors with university materials, virtual campus tour access, and training on offerings. Ensure they can accurately convey your institution’s strengths, support systems and value proposition.

Key Messages for International Universities Recruiting Students in China -P4

By tailoring communication to address Chinese applicants’ priorities around world-class facilities, career outcomes, support resources and affordability, international universities can attract top talent from this important market. Developing relationships with local education partners also strengthens outreach. With strategic messaging rooted in actionable benefits, institutions worldwide can unlock the full potential of Chinese student recruitment. Don’t hesitate to contact Deep Digital China for more marketing guidance.