Five Types of Douyin Content Marketing

In the era of mobile Internet, as the value portal for short video traffic, Douyin relies on 500 million monthly active traffic worldwide, 400 million daily active traffic, and 20 billion daily video views. Its marketing effect is extremely explosive. It has become a well-deserved “Recommend” and “Try Out” artifact!

Regarding the trend of Douyin, watching Douyin in 2022 is definitely a red sea, but looking at Douyin in 2022 a few years later, Deep Digital China(DDC) believes that it is still “relatively a blue sea”. Because the degree of competition will continue to rise year by year, DDC recommends that everyone still look at the current Douyin market with a blue ocean mentality.

Strictly speaking, Douyin is also a type of self-media, and all self-media development will usher in it when it matures: content is king, and it caters to the stage of being king. So it is difficult for a brand to get a piece of Douyin without the ability to produce excellent content,.

Below, DDC will introduce five mainstream kinds of grass-carrying forms. They all start from the content, tap the deep-seated needs of users, and achieve the purpose of increasing sales via recommending products.

1. Topic list type recommendation

The Douyin Master lists a variety of products in the form of a product list around a certain theme, and focuses on recommending products with advertisements, and sows users through the recommendation form of “picture switching”. This kind of recommendation method can attract different consumers and can directly attract consumers who have certain needs. Some KOLs can start the online shopping function to allow consumers to shop while watching.

2. Plot-planting recommendation

KOLs make plot creation and scene-based interpretation according to their own style and brand appeal, highlight the brand through a certain storyline, and recommend products to users. This method is more interesting and attractive.

3. Experiential recommendation upon box opening

It means that the KOLs will unpack after receiving the package or product. Explain the product appearance, function, efficiency and other selling points, and share the unpacking experience with fans and users. This way of recommendation can meet the curiosity of users and induce their desire to buy. It is suitable for recommending new product launches and products for special festivals.

4. Recommendation upon quality product inventory

KOLs make an inventory and evaluation of quality products of the same category or related category, embedding the brands and recommend to consumers and convey the idea of “the recommended products are worth buying” concept.

5. Experience based recommendation

By personally trying the product and showing it to users, such as on face experience, try-on experience, and tasting experience, KOLs present the user with effects of the products, highlight selling points, and stimulate the consumers’ desire to buy. In this way, the selling points of the product can be clearly displayed, with a high degree of persuasion.

If you want to know more about the more updated and comprehensive Douyin videos, please contact us

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