Useful Information about oCPC Model

  • Post category:Baidu PPC

Recently, I discussed with some friends about the use of oCPC. Here are the thoughts for your reference.

1.How to choose the oCPC model? oCPC or eCPC?

oCPC adopts the method of intelligent delivery, which can help advertisers control the conversion cost and increase the conversion volume. It contains two types:

1) Target conversion cost (oCPC): An advertiser who has sufficient leads and wants to control the conversion cost and maximize the conversion volume as the primary target; manage the conversion cost (CPA) by means of automatic machine bidding, and finally achieve the goal.

2) Click bid coefficient (eCPC): It is suitable for advertisers whose lead volume is relatively sparse, and the first demand is to increase lead volume (CV) and improve conversion rate; optimize the conversion rate (CVR) by means of automatic machine bidding, and finally achieve the goal.

2.What are the secondary level requirements for oCPC?

At present, oCPC has fully covered the low-threshold method for the scope of mobile traffic, and the cumulative number of leads in 7 days reaches 30, which can enter the secondary level.

3. How to choose the data access method and conversion type

1) Selection of access method: The selection should be made based on the comprehensive consideration of the advertiser’s development capabilities, promotion scope and conversion demands.

2) Selection of conversion type: guide advertisers to truly express their conversion demands. Do not choose an inappropriate type for the purpose of entering the second order, otherwise the accuracy of the oCPC model will be affected.

4. How to set oCPC cost?

Before entering the second stage, the cost setting cannot be lower than 80% of the recommended value; After entering the second stage, the cost can be set as needed, but pay attention to the relationship between traffic and cost. It is recommended that the adjustment range is 10% each time; the adjustment frequency should not exceed 2 times per day. When the cost is set to 0, it will exit the second order.

5. How should the oCPC delivery package be expanded?

Extension method:

1) oCPC bidding and traffic distribution factors, bidding formula: eCPM = CPA (conversion cost) * CTR (creative click-through rate) * CVR (landing page conversion rate) X 1000.

2) Bidding dimension: Bid calculation at the real-time search granularity of the model.

3) Optimization focus: optimization and broadening of the targeting range, optimization of creative and landing pages, CPA bidding, account structure management, and budget adjustment.

4) Suggestions for volume expansion: active bidding, widening targeting, system targeting volume expansion & business point placement, optimizing creativity, and optimizing landing pages.

6. Is the low-cost and unstable flow of traffic in the first order the reason for oCPC?

No, oCPC does not take effect at one stage, so traffic and cost are not yet an issue of oCPC.

7. [Account Setup] Any suggestions for the initial use of oCPC?

1) When using oCPC, try not to make major changes to the open plan (such as adding or deleting more keywords, modifying ideas and landing pages, etc.).

2) It is recommended that you prolong the observation time as much as possible to evaluate the effect as a whole.

3) Three days before entering the second-order launch is the model learning period, and human interference actions are minimized, such as adjusting CPA, adding and deleting words, etc.

8. What optimizations can be done for the first-order state?

1) Select the bidding method suitable for the account. When the number of leads is sufficient, advertisers who want to control the conversion cost can choose the target conversion cost (oCPC); when the number of leads is sparse, the advertisers who want to increase the number of leads (CV) and improve the conversion rate can choose the method of click bid coefficient. (eCPC).

2) Set the delivery package according to the business relevancy of the account, or group according to the business type, which is suitable for large customers with obvious business classification.

3) Try not to make major changes to the open plan in the first-order stage, and reduce human interference actions (such as adjusting CPA, adding or deleting more keywords, modifying ideas and landing pages, etc.). Significant adjustments will affect the accuracy of account model learning.

9. What are the precautions in the first-order to second-order process?

In the first-order process, stable delivery is guaranteed.

1) Account selection: The recent delivery effect of the corresponding account plan/unit is more in line with your expectations (for example, the bidding cost of the plan/unit, the delivery effect is relatively ideal in the near future, and you can accept it; for example, the conversion volume is good, the cost is within an acceptable range, ROI etc. is close to expected), new accounts are not recommended.

2)First-order optimization: Try to avoid large-scale adjustment of accounts, such as adjusting CPA, adding or deleting words, modifying ideas and landing pages, etc., to avoid affecting the previous model learning and the effect of product oCPC.

3)Data verification: The transformation data verification is carefully completed. Only the background transformation data is consistent with the actual business volume, the accuracy of the model can be guaranteed. (The error is guaranteed to be ≤10%)

There are more details to be discussed from this article. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are Deep Digital China, your “beacon” on your way to the Chinese market!