How Beauty Products Sell Big in China—The Marketing View

The beauty product is a CNY 160 billion worth market with high competition. International brands, classical Chinese brands and rising Chinese brands are trying very hard to win attention from target audience. However selling big in China is not easy unless you play the right cards. In this article, we’ll tell you which cards you need to play to maximize your sales in China as a beauty product brand.

Firstly, the awareness card. You need to establish presence at the media platforms that your target audience frequently use and share thoughts. Finding out which platforms is the key step here. DDC could help you identify the target platforms.

Secondly, the best seller card. Even all your products are perfect, the sales will probably still follow the Pareto principle, meaning 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your products. You need to design best seller in China in order to meet the needs of majority. DDC is very experienced in consulting you to work out the best seller.

Thirdly, the word of mouth card. If you are new to the market, it’s necessary to find influencers to endorse your products. Otherwise, why people give up Estee Lauder, Shiseido, LA MER, etc and turn to you? You need to give them a very good reason. DDC could help you make a solid content strategy.  

Last but not least, the campaign calendar. No matter you plan the campaigns by season or by big days, you need to allocate a specific top seller to each campaign to make it work. And don’t forget the trial package, it’s a must if you want to attract new brand followers.

Want to get started? Contact DDC for support if you really want to succeed in China!