How to Attract Chinese Students to Foreign Universities

How to attract Chinese students is a taks with priority for many foreign universities. China has the world’s largest population. Therefore, it is no surprise that one-third of all international students are Chinese. But with China’s strict visa requirements and high fees for studying abroad, why are they still coming? There are a few reasons, one being the demand being way higher than the offer in terms of education in China, as well as the promise of great career opportunities that offer a degree from a reputable overseas school.

How to attract Chinese students to foreign universities based on our project experience

In this post, you’ll learn top tips and tricks on how to make a good impression in order to get more applicants coming through your doors. We will be exploring different methods that work best, and analyze why they are effective at attracting Chinese students. This article is designed as an all-encompassing guide on how foreign universities can increase intake of Chinese students each year.

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1, Target well

When targeting the Chinese people, you will need to understand their culture and their stand on education. This will help you structure your approach to meet their needs. Chinese higher education has grown and developed since the 1990s. Data from the Bureau of Statistics show an increased rate of higher education enrollment of up to 30% in 2012. Understanding the Chinese culture will help you prepare to welcome their students while targeting them from where they are based. If you have a liaison office or a campus in China then you stand ahead of the pack. Trying out community activities that will help you become friendlier to the Chinese community goes a long way to your advantage.

2, Take advantage of your commonality

What are your goals and objects? Do they align with the needs of the targeted Chinese students?

These are some of the questions you need to answer as you continue to pursue the interest of the Chinese. In China, achieving educational goals is a priority and most parents will go to extreme lengths to ensure the success of their children. The government is also keen on developing higher education. Therefore if you can find a common ground between the Chinese students and your objects then you will stand out from the rest.

3, Improve your academic reputation & communication on social media

The fact that you have a brand does not guarantee success in attracting Chinese students. In this part of the world, community means a lot. Building an e-reputation is one way of establishing yourself and creating relevance to the Chinese community. It is important to be present on China’s social media platforms. The top two platforms are WeChat and Weibo with over 850 million and 300 million users respectively. The key to creating a friendly and approachable social medium platform is to be interactive with prospective parents and students. Monitoring and creating strategic 

4, A Chinese website and a good ranking on Baidu is necessary

Having a mandarin website allows you to optimize your SEO for search engines. For a better SEO and optimized loading speed, your website also needs to be hosted on a local server in China. Baidu is the Google version in China. 75% of searches in China happen here with many parents and students browsing to find results for the best university.

5, Become awesome with good reviews on forums

Don’t move too fast focusing on selling your programs, pestering your potential students with emails and calls will creep them away. What should you do?

Observe, listen and then start your conversation. Help them win first by providing assistance and keeping their mind at ease during this confusing period. Join educational forums that will help you engage and build trust with the Chinese students.

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The Chinese market is growing exponentially, with a lot of investment going into education. Which makes it an important time for international universities to take the lead and do their best to attract more students from China. Let us help you figure out how we can partner together so that you become an attractive destination for future global citizens! Are you clear how to attract Chinese students now?