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The Best China market entry strategy for SMB companies

To talk about the best China market entry strategy, we have looked into all the consulting programs we have with different western companies.

China is a well-known market for its rapid growth of consumer goods and industrial demands. In the past 30 years, many western companies have achieved great success in the China market, such as KFC, Starbucks, Tesla, Microsoft, etc. To succeed in China, companies need to consider many things, to name a few, choose a right timing, overcome the regulatory hurdles, own the capacity in-house or find a right partner.

For SMB companies, they don’t have that many resources as large companies do. Everything costs so much. It cost much to open a new branch, hire local team, and try to understand how to communicate with local clients. And there is no guaranteed success.

China is ready. How to make a quick China market test? The online way is a clear answer. It’s a way to avoid opening a new branch, renting an office and hiring local team in China. To start with, a Chinese website or a WeChat public account is necessary to tell clients in China that you are here.

Companies in different industries need different platforms to communicate with their target clients in China. Some clients like to use social media platforms like WeChat or Weibo, some like to use short-video APPs like Tiktok, some like to use knowledge sharing platforms like Zhihu.

And also competitor analysis helps companies to understand competitors’ product or service, your place in the industry, the target markets, the products/services they offer, pricing strategy and communication methods with customers. Eventually this is a key element of a practical digital marketing plan.

The online way is the best way to test the China market for SMB companies. It’s very important to find a reliable partner with deep understanding of online digital landscape in China.