Building search engine result page on Baidu is very important for Chinese search engine marketing. To maximize conversions, many companies would build a great scene of search engine result page. In this article, we will share how to make it happen.
Typically, the search results consist of both paid links and organic links. To start with, let’s give a deep explanation of both types of links.
Part I, different types of links in search engine result page on Baidu
Firstly, paid links. There are two types of paid links on Baidu now: Brandzone and PPC links. The Brandzone always appear on the top area of result page activated by brand related terms. However it’s quite expensive. Therefore, unless the brand search volume on Baidu is high enough, we won’t recommend it. PPC links work similar with Google Adwords. It’s Pay-per-click which is flexible enough.

Secondly, organic links. There are six types of organic links on Baidu. By order, they are official site, 3rd party site, reseller site, Baidu series, Chinese social media and news cluster. Let’s check them one by one:
1) Official site: Chinese or other language versions of official sites. It’s the core of Baidu SEO which could attract quality organic traffic and convert.

2) 3rd party site: Sites that don’t belong to the company or media platforms but mention the name of company. It could be a we-media, a blog, a forum or a vertical site.

3) Reseller site: Sites of company’s resellers which appear in the search of brand terms. Some companies don’t care much about this however others might want to remove these links from the search result.

4) Baidu series: Baidu has many different products including Baidu Baike (Chinese Wiki), Baidu Zhidao (Chinese Quora), etc. As they belong to Baidu, links of these products usually get better ranking on Baidu organically.

5) Chinese social media: usually Weibo (Chinese Twitter), Little Red Book (Chinese Pinterest) and video platforms like iQiyi might appear.

6) News cluster: It’s somehow different from 3rd party site because news cluster represent a group of news on very close dates. Quite good for building trust among target audience.

When you have a good combination of paid and organic links, you have integrated traffic driving with brand trust. It would help drive high quality traffic which will definitely result in higher conversion rate. However, is it really that easy to build search engine result page like that? What if there are many links with negative information?
Part II, steps of cycle to build search engine result page on Baidu
Surprisingly, it’s easy to build a search result scene. However, it’s difficult to maintain it. According to our past experience, we conclude the steps of cycle to keep a really nice search result page:
Firstly,design the search engine result page. In this step, you need to plan what you want target audience to see in the result page. And these links should be specific. For example,two links of official site, one link of 3rd party site, two links of Baidu series.

Secondly, analyze the current situation. Search target keywords and keep record of current top 30 position. Why top 30? Because links that appear on the top 11 to 30 position are easier to get to top 10. Check the gap between your target result page and current situation.

Thirdly, make a plan of content publishing. For certain types of links,you need to generate content and publish fresh links. Wait a day or two until Baidu index these links and you can optimize their rankings.
Fourthly, optimize ranking of new links. Use off-page Baidu SEO technique to optimize ranking of links to rise to the first page. Therefore, you will be able to form a great search engine result page.
Lastly, make dynamic changes. Even you’ve got all the links you want on the result page, it doesn’t mean forever. You need to make dynamic changes to keep it that way. And when new marketing objectives, you need to start another cycle.
Part III, clearing negative reviews
In highly competitive industries, many companies publish negative reviews about their competitors. Not all the negative reviews are false. Sometimes they will just focus on your weakness where they shine. Even so, negative reviews affect business results.
Firstly, we need to understand the sources of negative reviews. According to our observation, there are four different sources.
1) From real customers. It means that they are angry about services or products they receive. If potential customers see these reviews, they are not going to trust you.
2) From competitors. In highly competitive industries, companies choose to trash their competitors by publishing negative reviews. Not suprisingly, it’s very common in industries like finance and internet services. Nevertheless, Some negative reviews look real and have a great impact on the potential customers.

3) From news media. If negative information is from news media, it will be a great PR challenge. Clearly, these reports are trustworthy and customers tend to believe them.
4) From influencers. Some influencers publish some test reports with comparison of products or services from different brands. They don’t really have an attitude against certain brands. However, customers are very likely not to use the brands with negative reviews.
How to minimize the influence from negative information? Usually, we take with both legal and technical actions.
1) Legal way. For the false information, we could collect evidence and submit to the media platforms. As a result, the platforms might pull these links off. And it’s not difficult to deal with.
2) Technical way. For other information, we could replace them with positive information. Remember what we talked about in part II? Exactly! We are going to publish new positive links and optimize them until they reach first page.
Now are you clear how to build your best search engine result page on Baidu? If you need our help, please contact us for a better planning and rich experience. We are Deep Digital China. Let’s consult your way to explore potential in the China market!