How to Increase Recruitment for British Universities in China

Over 210,000 Chinese students enrolled at British universities in 2022, up 15% from 2021. China sends more students abroad than any other country, presenting massive potential. However, competition is intense as universities worldwide vie for these Chinese applicants. By leveraging word-of-mouth marketing, British universities can differentiate themselves and significantly increase conversion rates in this crucial market.

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The Power of Word-of-Mouth in China

Word-of-mouth has an outsized influence on Chinese students’ decisions for several key reasons:

Firstly, tight-knit social networks are prevalent in China. Students heavily factor in referrals and experiences shared by family, friends, classmates and other contacts within their networks.

Secondly, key opinion leaders (KOLs) are seen as authentic and trustworthy. Recommendations from influencers, bloggers or platforms carry more weight than brand advertising or messaging.

Thirdly, digital ecosystem centered around WeChat. This platform enables rapid sharing of messages, reviews, photos and recommendations that shape perceptions.

According to surveys, over 80% of Chinese students considering studying abroad take word-of-mouth into account when researching and selecting an overseas university. Savvy UK universities recognize this and are developing strategies to tap into the power of word-of-mouth.

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Tactics to Activate Positive Word-of-Mouth

There are several specific tactics British universities should consider to activate positive word-of-mouth and referral marketing in China:

Create student ambassador programs to identify and empower enthusiastic current students to share their authentic experiences online organically. Provide guidance and incentivize sharing.

Collaborate with niche KOLs and microinfluencers in specific fields to create engaging, targeted content like livestreams, videos or posts that resonate with prospective students.

Foster organic reviews and sharing on influential Chinese platforms by proactively requesting reviews of the university experience and responding promptly to any feedback.

Develop referral campaigns to incentivize current students to refer friends, like discounts on tuition or other rewards for successful referrals. Promote via social media.

Invest in building an engaged social media community, particularly active official accounts on WeChat and Weibo, to foster connections between prospective and current students.

Create hashtag challenges or campaigns that spark user-generated content on themes related to campus life, studying in the UK, or specific programs.

For example, the University of Manchester initiated a WeChat photo sharing campaign for current students to post photos of campus facilities, activities and experiences with a unique hashtag. This generated over 5,000 organic posts and increased application volume from students who followed their WeChat account by 32% year-over-year.

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Tailoring Offerings for British Universities

In addition to marketing tactics, British universities can look at designing programs and services that naturally motivate sharing and recommendations:

Firstly, offer courses and majors in trending or niche fields like esports, artificial intelligence, digital media, sports management or video game design to generate interest amongst prospective Chinese students.

Secondly, develop majors and programs closely aligned with China’s workforce needs and priorities to be more attractive to career-minded applicants.

Thirdly, create standout accommodation options and packages with Chinese cultural touches, foods or amenities that students will be excited to share.

Fourthly, provide internship and career support services valued highly by Chinese students and their families to mitigate concerns about outcomes.

For example, Nottingham University strategically launched a new program focused on sports business management, prompting significant buzz and discussion on Chinese social media. In the year after debuting this program, the university saw a 21% year-over-year increase in applications from China, demonstrating the power of word-of-mouth.

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In an increasingly digital era, word-of-mouth serves as a powerful catalyst to drive student enrollment and recruitment for overseas universities in China’s competitive landscape. By deeply understanding Chinese social dynamics and developing an integrated word-of-mouth marketing strategy, British universities can unlock significant conversion rate gains in this crucial market. The key is to focus initiatives on fostering genuine satisfaction, excitement and advocacy amongst current students to amplify organic sharing and recommendations. If you want to know more on how to execute the word-of-mouth initiatives to increase recruitment, please don’t hesitate to contact Deep Digital China.