China Market Entry Strategy

The challenge of China market entry has become an increasingly important one of Western companies of all shapes and sizes. China’s economy has continued to grow by near double-digit rates over the last couple of years (8.44% growth in GDP in 2021). With the country closely following the US as the second largest global economy in 2021, understanding China market entry strategy has become critical to most companies.

Breaking into the China market successfully can seem like an almost impossible task to foreign companies. Because they are generally with limited or no experience of doing business in China. The aim of this article is to highlight some of the key challenges that foreign companies face when entering the China market for the first time. Furthermore, to offer some practical recommendations that can be integrated into a company’s China market entry strategy and expansion plans.

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China Market Entry Strategy-Identifying The Market

With a population expected to exceeds 1.4 billion people in 2021, China’s sheer size and scale presents unique challenges from any other market.  While it is true that China represents a huge potential market for foreign manufactured goods and services. However, it is also the case that understanding where these opportunities lie and how to access them can be extremely challenging. Whether it be the large Western multinationals with an established China presence or the first-time market entrant with no previous China experience, foreign companies of all shapes and sizes often find their China success lack of local understanding.

The first realization that foreign companies often need to make is that China is a uniform and homogeneous market. China is actually a collection of individual sub-markets. It is vastly differing demographic, economic and cultural characteristics.

The nature and make-up of markets in different parts of China also varies considerably. It means that foreign companies should think carefully about which geographical location offers the best vantage point to target the broader China market. In the past, foreign businesses have often been drawn to coastal provinces such as Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shanghai. Because of the higher populations and incomes in those areas. In particular, foreign companies involved in consumer markets have tended to focus their attentions on these higher income coastal regions.

Evaluate Partners Carefully

A Chinese agent, distributor, or partner who can provide essential local knowledge and contacts is often critical for success. However, finding the right partner requires preparation, patience, and hard work.

Potential business partners that concentrate on specific industry segments are also essential to consider. Since it is common for them to have links to large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and private companies. And because agents and distributors within China often specialize in one region or one end-user, success in expanding into another region is not guaranteed.

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Understand Government Policies And Local Regulations

Government officials play an essential role in the Chinese economy. Firms should actively seek to understand how their product or service is regulated and by which agencies.

Conducting Market Research

Whichever market entry mode to choose, thorough market research should precede any final decision.  A growing number of market research companies now have operations in China. And the market is becoming easier to research than ever before.  In addition to the numerous off-the-shelf reports available about the Chinese market, there are now a growing number of companies offering tailored market research services.

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Protect Your Intellectual Property Rights

Firms and companies should take steps to protect their intellectual property rights (IPR) under Chinese law before entering the Chinese market. Understand what IPR resources are available. Consult with specialized lawyers. Conduct thorough due diligence on potential partners or buyers before entering into any transaction. 

If you are looking for entering in China market by digital marketing, just contact Deep Digital China for detailed info.