Douyin, Increasing Opportunities of Acquiring Chinese Customers

As you may aware that Douyin has becoming more and more popular in China, and with its increasing popularity of streaming services, it is now vital for brands to choose this channel and reach a broad audience.

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What is Douyin? Is it TikTok?

It is a Chinese social media App allowing users to record and share short videos, launched in 2016 by Beijing-based tech company Bytedance.

Bytedance launched the international services in 2017 recognised as Tiktok outside of China. It merged with in 2018 to expand its reach globally. In summary, Douyin and TikTok are two different platforms. For instance, Chinese users have different feeds and features on the App besides the operating language.

Douyin – The NO.1 Short Video Platform in China

By June 2022, China had 962 million short video platform users, accounting for 91.5% of total internet users. ( The 50th Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development, CNNIC)

Moreover, There are 600 million daily active users on Douyin, and on average, users spend over 2 hours online daily.

iMedia Research (2021 Report) also mentioned that 45.2% of participants indicated that Douyin is their most frequently used short video platform.

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Reaching The Right Audiences

Douyin offers extensive online coverage and has a higher engagement rate. However, how do businesses benefit from it?

For example, Douyin can help business accounts reach the right audience with precise targeting solutions.

Douyin and other Bytedance group platforms share a data pool of 1.9 billion monthly active users. The sheer volume of data helps brands understand their audiences better. Therefore, by pushing the right content to the right audience, brands can ultimately reach better conversions and return on investment.

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KOL and KOC Marketing Opportunities

Besides the enormous reach, it is an excellent place to find and recruit influencers too. As of 2018, it has over 30k influencers registrants, according to Sika Data. Therefore, these resources make KOL and KOC (key opinion customer ) marketing more accessible and help brands reach broader potential consumers.

E-commerce and Sales Opportunities

E-commerce is one of the key features. As of June 2022, 44.6% of internet users from China have shopped via live-streaming videos. ( CNNIC 2022 data) And Douyin alone, reached a gross merchandise volume of 1.4 trillion Chinese Yuan ( £168.4 billion) in 2022.

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In conclusion, Douyin is an effective channel for brands to reach Chinese consumers. It should definitely be part of the marketing plans for brands.