How Australian Universities Engages Chinese Students

As Australia’s second largest source of international students, China represents a critical recruitment market. With over 700,000 Chinese students globally, Australian universities have significant potential to boost Chinese enrollment through targeted online engagement.

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Understanding Key Trends Among Chinese Students

Per 2022 statistics, over 156,000 Chinese students chose to study in Australia, comprising 29% of the international student population. Business, technology and engineering are popular fields of study. Cost and post-study work rights are major factors influencing study destination selection. Over 90% of Chinese students use digital sources during their decision-making.

Leveraging China’s Massive Social Media Landscape

With 1.1 billion social media users, platforms like WeChat, Weibo and Xiaohongshu provide unparalleled access to Chinese youth. Tailored social campaigns can raise Australia’s profile and direct students to university websites. Content should highlight program strengths, personal development and lifestyle. China student ambassadors can authentically showcase experiences through takeovers.

Partnering with Key Influencers and KOLs to Enhance Australian Universities awarness

Working with China-based influencers and key opinion leaders allows amplified exposure to subscribed followers. These partnerships should have a brand fit. For example, an engineering school collaborating with a STEM influencer. Influencers can interact with prospective students via livestreams, social takeovers and branded content creation.

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Optimizing for High Visibility on Baidu for Australian Universities

Google’s limited availability in China means students rely on Baidu as the dominant search engine. SEO initiatives like keyword optimization in Mandarin, integrated Chinese content and local backlinks are necessities. This improves discoverability and visibility for Chinese searchers exploring Australian university options.

Creating Targeted WeChat Mini-Programs

WeChat’s one billion-plus active users present a major opportunity. Mini-programs offer built-in capabilities for payments, e-commerce and more. Universities can create mini-programs to showcase academics, student life and the Australian experience. These act as digital brochures directly in WeChat. Mini-programs can also facilitate event registration and other interactions.

Hosting Engaging Webinars and Virtual Events

In the COVID era, virtual events have become key for student outreach. Topics like admissions, scholarships and preparing to study in Australia resonate with applicants. Interactive elements like polls and Q&As make them more engaging. Recordings can later be repurposed on platforms like Bilibili. Timezone-friendly scheduling enables wider participation.

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Strategic Use of Douyin and Bilibili for Australian Universities

Douyin and Bilibili are popular video platforms, especially with younger Chinese audiences. Creating fun, short videos can showcase campus life and Australian culture. Video ad campaigns help expand reach and target based on interests like music, travel or technology. Bilibili study abroad communities allow direct interaction with prospective students.

Timing Initiatives to Align with Key Periods to Promote Australian Universities

Digital campaigns should align with peak Chinese student recruitment cycles for optimal impact. Critical windows are after Gaokao results are announced in July/August when students are actively comparing options and during scholarship seasons from March-May when decisions are being finalized.

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China is a highly digital market. With a strategic, localized online approach, Australian universities can make a compelling case and increase Chinese student enrollment through virtual engagement tailored to this audience. Come and contact Deep Digital China for more solutions!