How Chinese Students Choose Canadian Universities

Canadian universities are becoming more and more popular among Chinese students. In 2022, the number of students studying in Canada has exceeded 550000. Among them, China was the second largest source of new students, exporting 50000 international students. Compared with 2021, the number of newly approved student visas in 2022 also showed a significant increase, from 440000 to 550000, an increase of 24.1%. The number of student visa applications in Canada will further increase in 2023, reaching 750000. In order to further promote study abroad and immigration, the Canadian Department of Immigration has announced the 2023-2025 immigration plan. According to this plan, Canada will gradually increase the number of immigrants over the next three years, with a target of 500000 immigrants by 2025.

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Factors that influence Chinese students when choosing among Canadian universities

Firstly, rankings and reputation are of significant consideration. Canadian universities like University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, and McGill University rank highly on global university ranking systems, especially in subjects like business, engineering and medicine which many Chinese students want to study. These top-ranked schools are prestigious, and earning a degree from them will provide students stronger opportunities for career and network advancement in the future.

Secondly, program offerings and flexibility are an attraction. Many Canadian universities provide a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs for international students to choose from, especially programs that provide work experience and co-op opportunities. They also typically allow students more flexibility to change majors or fields of study, which appeals to those who are still exploring career options.

Thirdly, affordability and living costs matter as most Chinese students rely on family support for studying abroad. Canadian universities charge lower tuition fees for international students compared to other major destinations like the US and UK. The cost of living in Canada is also generally lower which makes the overall experience more affordable. Many universities provide generous scholarships, grants and work opportunities that further help lower financial burdens for students.

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A comfortable living environment matters

Moreover, a friendly welcome and support for Chinese culture demonstrates a university’s inclusiveness. Established services like proper accommodation, well-organized orientation activities, Mandarin assistance, and on-campus Chinese student associations are good indicators that a university will welcome Chinese students and support their cultural and social needs. This kind of friendly and culturally sensitive environment is ideal for students who want to adapt successfully in a foreign country.

In addition, future career opportunities and a clear study-to-work pathway attract ambitious Chinese students. Universities that actively build industry connections, encourage internships and co-op placements, provide career coaching and job application support, and have established tracks to post-graduation work visas or permanent residency attract hardworking and career-driven Chinese students. Graduating with both a prestigious degree and attractive career options is the ultimate goal.

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In summary, Canadian universities are a combination of strengths across rankings, programs, affordability, cultural inclusiveness and career opportunities. And top Canadian universities will continue to be the first choice for many Chinese students embarking on a life-changing study abroad journey. Deep Digital China will continue to report on trends of study abroad in Canada.