How Does Student Accommodation in USA Reach Chinese Students

Student accommodation in USA has evolved a lot in recent years to cater to the growing number of international students, especially from China. They have realized that Chinese students have become a major source of tenants and their needs are unique. In order to market student accommodation to Chinese students studying in America, providers need to understand the latest trends and tailor their strategies accordingly.

The number of Chinese students pursuing higher education in USA has experienced rapid growth over the past decade. According to the 2022 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange, there were over 977,000 international students in the US. Among them, over 360,000 were from China, representing 37% of the total international enrollment. This large influx of Chinese students provides huge opportunities for the student accommodation sector. However, it also means providers need to gain a deep understanding of China market to precisely target Chinese students. 

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How does student accommodation in USA target Chinese students

Providers should focus the bulk of their marketing budget on key online channels. With limited resources, choosing the right channels and allocating funds effectively is critical to success. American student accommodation providers need to understand which platforms Chinese students use most, their purpose at different stages of the study abroad journey, and how to maximize impact on each channel.

Social media marketing

The top priority is establishing an official presence on China’s dominant social platforms, WeChat and Weibo. These channels are instrumental in building brand awareness and engaging prospective students. Budget should be allocated to create and maintain an active official account, promote posts to reach more followers, run contests and giveaways, and potentially advertise on these platforms. For instance, American Campus Communities which serves over 47,000 student beds across the US updates 2-3 posts on WeChat and Weibo every week to stay actively connected with Chinese students.

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Search engine marketing

For search marketing, the focus should be on Baidu, China’s largest search engine. Funds should go toward search engine optimization, including content creation optimized for Baidu rankings and buying high-volume keywords related to study abroad accommodation. Baidu also offers pay-per-click ads, which can be an effective tool, especially when providers open booking for a new intake or release early bird promotions. For example, American Campus Communities bids “留学生公寓” (Chinese for “student accommodation”) as the keyword for its Chinese website to rank higher in search results.

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Utilize popular education platforms is also cricual for student accommodation in USA target students

Chinese education platforms like Gaokao Haiwai and Xindongfang Liuxue are also influential, especially for students in the university application stage. Generate contents on these platforms can raise awareness and drive traffic to the website of American student accommodations. Budget should be directed to the platforms that rank well for the target universities and study abroad destinations.  

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In summary, student accommodation providers in USA must allocate their marketing budget strategically when targeting Chinese students. The bulk of funds should go to social media and search marketing on platforms Chinese students frequent most. Investing in multiple channels at different student touchpoints along their study abroad journey will maximize impact. With the right budget distribution, providers in America can develop a stream of Chinese student tenants and establish themselves as a top housing choice.

Talk to Deep Digital China for a solid plan to develop the China market now!