How Foreign Universities Acquire More Applicants from China

Foreign universities find it hard to acquire applicants from China because they are not familiar with the target audience enough. China is a large market for higher education. Even under the Covid-19 situation, more and more Chinese students go to study abroad. They pursue multi-cultural background and global view for future development. It’s a great time to attract these prospects.

To win attention from target audience, you need to follow the instructions that DDC provide. Firstly, find out your unique selling points. What’s your best major/program? What’s its ranking? Have Chinese graduates been in good employment?

Secondly, you need to make sure your unique advantages are recognized by Chinese students. Check out the Chinese social media, online forums, Q & A platforms, etc to find out what they think of you. If what you think of you and what they think of you match, you are good to go. If not, you need to make some changes.

Thirdly, your competitors. There are top universities in SEA, US and UK that Chinese students are familiar with. They are also trying to attract prospect as much as you are. And they also have their own unique selling points. How to differ from these competitors is a major task.

Now you’ve got some ideas for your content direction, it’s time to plan a detailed content strategy. You need to find out what platforms that your target audience use regularly and build appearance there. Right platforms with right content, you will definitely win some quality applicants.

Contact DDC if you need details of the plan. We consult your way to explore potential in China!