How International Universities Acquire Chinese Students via Baidu SEO

International universities are increasingly looking to Chinese students as a source of revenue and global talent. There were over 710,000 Chinese students who studied abroad in 2022, with over 360,000 choosing to study in the US and UK, the top two destinations. For universities, targeting Chinese students is crucial to boosting diversity and remaining competitive on a global scale.

One of the most effective ways for universities to reach Chinese students is through search engine optimization (SEO) to rank highly in Baidu, China’s dominant search engine. According to surveys, over 70% of Chinese students use the Internet as their primary source for university research and selection. Baidu accounts for nearly 80% of searches in China, so optimizing for Baidu SEO is critical for international universities.

How SEO Helps International Universities Get Chinese Students-PI

Optimizing Page Content

The content on a university’s website and landing pages is the most important element for Baidu SEO. Relevant and informative content that answers common questions Chinese students have about a university will rank higher in Baidu. Some key things to include are:

•Program offerings: List all programs taught in English and other languages, ideally with detailed curriculum information.

•Admission requirements: Clearly state language proficiency and academic requirements for international students.

•Scholarships: Highlight available scholarships, grants, and other financial aid for international students. This is key information Chinese students seek.

•Accommodation: Describe on-campus and off-campus housing options and their costs.

•Student life: Share photos and stories depicting events, clubs, dining options, and recreational facilities on campus. Help Chinese students envision life on campus.

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Optimizing Page Titles, URLs and Headings

Page titles, URLs and headings should all contain keywords Chinese students are likely to search for, such as the university name, program names, location, and phrases like “admission for international students”. For example:

Page Title: Admission Requirements for International Students at the University of London

URL: /university-of-london/international-admission/

H1 heading: Admission to the University of London for International Students

H2 headings: English Language Proficiency Requirements, Academic Requirements, Scholarships for International Students

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Building High-Quality Backlinks to Help International Universities Acquiere Chinese Students

Backlinks from other authoritative Chinese websites and university directories point search engines to view a university’s website as a trusted resource.

Some recommendations for acquiring backlinks include:

•Creating university profiles on large Chinese student portals and forums like Sina Edu, Sohu Edu, and Zhihu.

•Listing the university on directories targeting Chinese students such as CUCAS, Keystone Academic Solutions, and StudyinChina.

•Publishing guest posts written by university students and faculty on Chinese education and study abroad websites and blogs.

•Promoting news coverage and digital media mentions of the university on Baidu News and other Chinese media outlets.

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By optimizing for Baidu SEO with relevant Chinese-centered content, strategic page elements and consistent backlinking, international universities can boost traffic from Chinese prospective students and strengthen their enrollment pipeline from China. With over 1 billion searches per day, Baidu is a powerful channel for universities to raise their visibility and connect with this key demographic. Are you ready to let SEO help you get more Chinese applicants? Time to contact Deep Digital China now.