How to Explore the China Market with Low Budget

Before we talk about the topic of how to explore the China market with low budget. We need to define ‘low’ first. Many overseas companies don’t spend much but still succeed in the local markets. When they decide to spend as much in China as they do in their original areas, they consider the budget high enough.

Let’s put it this way. The minimum deposit of Baidu ad account is $1000 and it’s same for Weibo ad account. The minimum deposit of WeChat ad account is $3000 and it goes to $7000 for Toutiao ad account. With our project experience, monthly budget lower than $1000 or a total budget of lower than $3000 can be defined as low budget. These companies shall plan marketing activities very carefully to win the niche market in China.

DDC has put together several recommendations for companies that have low budget but still want to explore the China market.

For companies that have little knowledge about the target market, competitors and media landscape in China, we recommend them to take a market research first. It can be done either in-house or by an agency. After the market research, they would be clear about how much budget they need to plan for the China market.

For companies that are familiar with the target market and competitors but not media landscape in China, we recommend them to have a Chinese media consulting. With the report, they will be clear about which platforms to establish presence on and the content strategy. Then they will find out a more suitable budget.

China is a large market with rapid growth speed. Players all over the world want to take a cut here. You need to understand it’s hard to dominate the market forever even you have the highest market share now, not to mention you are only a new player in China. Find your niche market and make a right strategy, you will be good to go. Contact DDC if your budget is tight, we will help you out-think your competitors.