How to Generate Quality Content on WeChat?

  • Post category:WeChat

For people living in China, WeChat simply does it all. It allows users to book taxis, pay bills, talk to their friends, read the news, and more. With the recent popularity of Wechat mini-programs as well, the list of things you can do on WeChat is growing at an incredible rate. As of Q3 2021, the app had 1.25 billion MAU, making it an app you can’t afford to ignore. Here are our top tips on generating good content on WeChat Official Account.

1. Define your target audience

Successfully identifying and understanding your audience in China, who will be drawn to your account and content, will give you the highest chance to succeed. It is the most effective way to build a content strategy for WeChat Official Accounts. Understand who they are, what their pain points are, and then design your content to help them resolve those points.

2. Stay relevant

An effective content strategy is centred around your target audience. Users in WeChat will be bombarded with information from various official accounts, so it’s important to set the content’s main theme around a topic that will be most relevant to them or can help them resolve their challenges.

3. Key dates

Incorporate the key marketing events in China into your content calendar to stay up-to-date with any relevant dates. Download Croud’s Chinese marketing calendar. 

4. Localise, don’t translate

Taking every English article from your website and translating them into Chinese for WeChat in the hopes to represent your brand is a definite ‘no’. We’ve seen so many brands fail after attempting to implement this tactic into their marketing strategy. Instead, design the content around your audience, so that it’s presented in a way that resonates with them. This will be much more effective than simply offering your followers a word-by-word translation of your English content.

5. Be consistent

Set the account’s tone of voice and brand personality, and stick to it. Don’t confuse your followers by using a cute, silly tone of voice one day and then using a corporate, professional tone the next. It is most preferable to be consistent across all aspects of content, as it will help users remember you. Make sure the following areas are all well-aligned:

  • Tone of voice
  • Header/footer branding image
  • Content formatting style

6. Be interactive

Good social content is all about engagement. Usually, mobile readers have a much shorter attention span, so lengthy, static content isn’t enough on its own. Brands can leverage Q&As, polls, short surveys, calculators, info graphics, and videos to help drive engagement, increase full article reading rate, grow brand loyalty and build brand trustworthiness.

Reach out to us for more tips on China marketing~Deep Digital China wish you Happy New Year~