How to Leverage Official Accounts for WeChat Marketing

  • Post category:WeChat

WeChat marketing is a very important tool for international businesses looking to expand their global footprint. However, Tapping into this Chinese vast consumer base requires a well-thought-out approach. Leveraging the power of WeChat, this super APP, through its official accounts, can be a game-changer for businesses seeking to expand their brand’s influence and attract customers. In this article, we will explore how to leverage official accounts for WeChat marketing which helps you achieve business success.

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WeChat official accounts are the basis of WeChat marketing

WeChat official accounts are similar to business profiles on other social media platforms but offer much more than meets the eye. They serve as a powerful channel for engaging with potential customers and building your brand’s presence in China.

How to make the most of official account

There are many tips to manage a good performance WeChat account.

Firstly, optimize your profile, welcome message and get verified. Verify your WeChat official account (with a blue V icon) that can strengthen the authority of your WeChat account and help you to build trust with your target audience. Besides, your WeChat profile should have a clear and attractive profile picture. For instance, if you’re running a fashion brand, your profile picture could be your logo or a stylish image related to your brand. What’s more, write a compelling and informative bio that gives users a quick understanding of who you are and what you offer.

Secondly, create high-quality content. Regularly post content that is relevant and engaging to your target audience. If you’re a food blogger, share mouth-watering images of dishes you’ve tried at different restaurants, along with your reviews.

Thirdly, engage with your audience. Respond promptly to comments and messages to show that you value your followers. If someone comments on your post, acknowledge their comment with a thank you or by asking a follow-up question.

Fourth, build a content calendar. Plan your content in advance with a content calendar. This could include scheduling posts about upcoming events, product launches, or holidays related to your business.

Fifth, formatting of the post. You post should compose with text, image and templates which would help target audiences easy to read, you can also branded your template. It’s also recommended to includes a call-to-action to remind users to follow your accounts on multiple channels at the end of each Post.

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Examples for reference

When you search Shorelight official WeChat account ‘Shorelight_Education’, you can see that Shorelight uses its recognizable logo as the profile picture, and a friendly tone is used in the Welcome Message that also includes two call-to-actions to encourage the target audience to find out more about Shorelight’s partner universities and it’s verified.

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However, do you know what are missing from his profile? It doesn’t state that the WeChat account is Shorelight WeChat official account in the Welcome Message. Besides, The Profile is pretty simple missing Shorelight’s USPs and contact information.

Here is a good example—Vita Student. Most of the post of Vita student are composed of mixed text, images and templates and with different topics which can improve the exposure of WeChat. Besides, It is very flexible to use Vita’s brand colors (red) in the text, images and templates which is good to build a strong brand image. What’s more, A call-to-action to vita other social account QR codes at the end of each Post, which helps cross-platform promotion.

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Maximizing your WeChat marketing

WeChat official accounts offer a multifaceted approach to building your brand’s influence and attracting customers in China’s vast market. By optimizing your profile, welcome message and get verified, create high-quality content, engage with your audience and beautify the formatting of the post you can create a strong presence in the Chinese market. Making a good use of WeChat marketing allows for seamless cross-channel campaigns that can drive brand exposure and engagement. If you want to know for more tips such as identify your core categories, tones, analysis of reads, please feel free to contact Deep Digital China!