How to Market MBA Programs to Chinese Students

MBA programs are attractive to many people in management role because of future development potential. However, it’s not easy to market MBA programs. And when it comes to the Chinese market, it’s a totally different scenario. In this article, we will go through the ways to market MBA programs to Chinese students and where we can help.

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Firstly, build a strong online presence in China

This means having a Chinese website, WeChat account and Weibo profile is critical. Provide information about the programs, admission requirements, fees and application processes in Chinese. Share news, events, student spotlights and other updates frequently to engage audiences. Run digital marketing campaigns on popular Chinese platforms to increase visibility.

Deep Digital China specializes in Chinese digital marketing and can run tailored campaigns on popular Chinese search engine Baidu, Chinese social media platforms like WeChat and Zhihu to promote your programs to prospective students in China. We can increase brand awareness and website traffic from China.

Secondly, focus on program rankings and accreditations

Rankings and accreditations from publications like The Financial Times and AACSB are very influential for Chinese students. Prominently feature rankings and accreditation badges on all marketing materials to establish credibility and prestige. Also mention alumni outcomes and career support to demonstrate value.

Thirdly, highlight scholarships and funding options

Providing generous scholarships and financial assistance for Chinese students is key to success. Promote available awards, fellowships and funding options on your Chinese website and marketing materials. Explain the criteria, benefits and application processes in detail. This incentivizes top applicants to consider the program.

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Fourthly, build partnerships with Chinese recruitment agencies

Work with leading education agencies in China that provide MBA application and admission support services to Chinese students aspiring to study abroad. Offer them promotional materials to share with their clients. Participate in any joint events or seminars they organize to connect with potential candidates. Provide training and resources to help agencies represent your programs accurately. 

Fifthly, travel to China for student recruitment

Attending key MBA education fairs and student recruitment events in Chinese cities is highly valuable. Meet with interested candidates in person to promote your programs, build brand awareness and establish personal connections. Also visit top local universities and companies to directly connect with and recruit talented applicants.

In addition, highlight career opportunities

Many Chinese students pursue an MBA or EMBA to advance their careers. Promote opportunities for internships, mentorships, networking and job opportunities associated with your programs. Share stories of successful Chinese alumni and their career progression after graduating. Explain how your school can prepare students for career success in China or globally.

Lastly, use Chinese influencers and alumni for promotion

Having influential business leaders, industry experts or notable alumni from China promote your MBA programs on Chinese social media channels or at events can be very impactful. They serve as credible voices and role models for prospective students in China. Their real experiences and recommendations resonate strongly with audiences.

Deep Digital China can identify relevant influencers, experts and alumni from China to help promote your MBA/EMBA programs on Chinese social media. As respected voices in their industries or fields of study, these influencers can be very persuasive for Chinese students considering your programs.


To effectively market MBA and EMBA programs to students in China, focus on building a comprehensive Chinese online presence, highlighting rankings and scholarships, partnering with Chinese agencies, hosting in-person events, promoting career opportunities, and leveraging influencers. A strategic combination of these efforts will maximize your success in recruiting talented candidates from China.

Deep Digital China stays on top of the latest trends regarding Chinese students studying abroad. We can provide useful insights into the Chinese student recruitment market, effective marketing strategies in China, and updates on policies impacting Chinese applicants to your programs. Our up-to-date knowledge will help ensure success in China.