How to Successfully Market Travel on Xiaohongshu?

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, travel brands are increasingly turning to Xiaohongshu, also known as Little Red Book. It is a powerful platform to reach and engage with their target audience. Xiaohongshu, a unique social media and e-commerce platform, has become a go-to destination for Chinese consumers seeking authentic travel inspiration, recommendations, and experiences. How to successfully market travel on Xiaohongshu? For travel brands looking to effectively market their offerings on Xiaohongshu, there are several key strategies to consider. In this article, Deep Digital China will explore the best practices to help you successfully leverage this dynamic platform.

Embrace User-Generated Content

One of the primary strengths of Xiaohongshu is its vast ecosystem of user-generated content. Travelers on the platform share their experiences, recommendations, and insights, which hold significant influence over their peers. As a travel brand, embracing this user-generated content can be a game-changer.

Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your brand on Xiaohongshu. Provide them with branded hashtags, unique filters, or even incentives to encourage their participation. By tapping into this authentic, peer-to-peer content, you can build trust, increase brand visibility, and inspire potential travelers to explore your offerings.

Leverage Influencer Collaborations

Another effective strategy for marketing travel on Xiaohongshu is to collaborate with influential Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) on the platform. These KOLs have their large and engaged followings. So they can serve as powerful brand ambassadors, helping you reach a wider audience and amplify your messaging.

When selecting KOLs to partner with, ensure that their interests, values, and target audience align with your brand. Collaborate with them to create compelling, visually-stunning content that showcases your travel experiences, destinations, and products. By leveraging the trust and authenticity of these KOLs, you can effectively capture the attention of potential travelers on Xiaohongshu.

Capitalize on Seasonal Trends

Xiaohongshu users are highly attuned to seasonal trends and events. So travel brands can leverage these opportunities to enhance their marketing efforts. For example, during the Lunar New Year, users are often eager to plan their holiday travels and seek inspiration on the platform.

By aligning your content and campaigns with these seasonal trends, you can tap into the heightened user engagement and interest. Develop themed campaigns, create exclusive travel packages, or share insider tips and guides that cater to the specific needs and interests of your target audience during these key periods.

Employ Targeted Advertising

While user-generated content and influencer collaborations are powerful tools, Xiaohongshu also offers various advertising options that can help travel brands reach their desired audience. From sponsored posts to product placement, the platform’s advertising solutions can be highly effective in driving awareness, consideration, and conversions.

When creating your advertising campaigns, focus on developing visually-appealing, informative, and engaging content that resonates with Xiaohongshu users. Leverage the platform’s advanced targeting capabilities to ensure your ads are delivered to the right people at the right time, maximizing their impact.

Practical Examples

To illustrate these strategies in action, let’s explore a few practical examples of how travel brands have successfully marketed their offerings on Xiaohongshu:

Marriott’s Influencer Collaboration: Marriott, the global hospitality brand, collaborated with popular Xiaohongshu KOLs to promote its hotels and resorts. The KOLs created engaging content that highlighted the unique experiences and amenities offered by Marriott properties, effectively reaching and resonating with their followers.

The KOLs created engaging content that highlighted the unique experiences of Marriot’s Vietnam hotel
The KOL created content that highlighted the unique experiences and amenities offered by Marriott

Hainan Airlines’ Seasonal Promotion: Hainan Airlines, a Chinese airline, launched a targeted Xiaohongshu campaign during the Lunar New Year holiday. The brand created a dedicated seasonal travel guide, offering users insider tips, lottery, special gifts and exclusive package deals, tapping into the heightened travel demand and interest during this festive period.

Hainan airline launched a Xiaohongshu lottery campaign during the Lunar New Year holiday.

By incorporating these strategies and learning from the practical examples, travel brands can effectively market their offerings on Xiaohongshu, connecting with their target audience, building brand loyalty, and driving tangible business results. If you want to attract Chinese travelers through Xiaohongshu, please contact Deep Digital China.