How to Use WeChat Search/SEO to Increase Your Brand Visibility

  • Post category:WeChat

WeChat, China’s leading social media platform, boasts over a billion monthly active users. With such a massive user base, it presents an excellent opportunity for brands to increase their visibility and reach a wide audience. One powerful way to achieve this is by utilizing WeChat Search and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. In this article, Deep Digital China will explore practical strategies to effectively leverage WeChat Search/SEO to enhance your brand visibility. By implementing these techniques, you can improve your brand’s discoverability and connect with your target audience on WeChat.

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When utilized, a search may display the following: 

  • WeChat Brand Zone or tailored brand pages 
  • WeChat articles from Official WeChat accounts
  • WeChat Official Accounts themselves
  • WeChat Mini Programs such as homepage and inside pages
  • Products and services
  • Novels through the Tencent platform
  • Music through QQ Music
  • WeChat video accounts
  • Internet content through the Sogou search engine
  • WeChat Ask
  • Third-party platform content from social apps like Zaker (news), Zhihu (Chinese version of Quora), Mafengwo, and Douban.
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WeChat search result of Cartier
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WeChat search result of Cartier

It looks more and more as if WeChat itself is slowly turning into a search engine, and knowing how it works gives your brand a better chance to be seen by your target market. 

Optimize Your Official Account

Your WeChat Official Account serves as the foundation for your brand’s presence on the platform. To maximize visibility and searchability, consider the following:

Account name

Choose a concise and memorable name for your Official Account that reflects your brand identity and is relevant to your industry.

Account description

Craft a compelling and informative account description that highlights your brand’s unique selling points, products, or services. Incorporate relevant keywords to improve search ranking. For example, a skincare brand can include keywords like “natural skincare,” “anti-aging,” and “organic ingredients” in their account description.

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Anti-aging and natural ingredients are both mentioned in WeChat profile of REVITAL

Content optimization

Regularly publish high-quality, relevant, and engaging content on your Official Account to attract users and improve visibility. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within your articles to boost searchability. For example, a travel agency can create articles with titles like “Top 10 Travel Destinations” or “Travel Tips for Adventurers,” optimizing them with keywords related to travel and holidays.

Utilize WeChat ASK

WeChat ASK is a feature that allows users to ask questions and seek advice within the WeChat ecosystem. Actively participate in WeChat ASK by answering questions related to your industry or niche. This establishes your brand as an authority and increases your visibility.

For example, if you are a tech brand, search for questions related to your products or industry on WeChat ASK and provide helpful and informative answers.

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Search result of Cartier in WeChat ASK

Utilize Keywords Strategically

Keywords play a vital role in WeChat Search/SEO. By incorporating relevant keywords in your content, you can increase the chances of appearing in search results. Consider the following strategies:

Research popular keywords

Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and popular keywords within your industry or niche. Tools like WeChat Index can provide valuable insights into keyword popularity and trends.

Long-tail keywords

Incorporate long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific phrases, to target a niche audience. Long-tail keywords often have less competition and higher conversion potential.

Keyword placement

Strategically place keywords in your article titles, headers, subheadings, and throughout the content. However, ensure that the keywords are incorporated naturally and don’t compromise the readability and flow of your content.

Engage with User-generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) can significantly impact your brand’s visibility on WeChat. Encourage users to create and share content related to your brand, products, or services. Consider the following approaches:

UGC campaigns

Run UGC campaigns that encourage users to share their experiences, reviews, or creative content related to your brand. Offer incentives or rewards to incentivize participation and generate more UGC. For example, a beauty brand can launch a UGC campaign where users share their makeup looks using the brand’s products, using a dedicated hashtag.

Share UGC on your Official Account

Regularly feature UGC on your Official Account to showcase user experiences and build trust with your audience. This demonstrates that your brand values its customers and encourages others to engage.

Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer collaborations can significantly enhance your brand visibility on WeChat. Partner with relevant influencers within your industry to promote your brand or products. Consider the following tactics:

Influencer content

Collaborate with influencers to create sponsored content that aligns with your brand’s messaging and goals. Influencers can share product reviews, tutorials, or lifestyle content featuring your brand.

Influencer takeovers

Allow influencers to take over your Official Account for a day or a specific campaign. This gives them the opportunity to engage with your audience and create content on your behalf. Example: A fashion brand can invite a fashion influencer to take over their Official Account during Fashion Week, sharing behind-the-scenes footage and exclusive content.

Leveraging WeChat Search/SEO strategies is crucial for increasing your brand visibility on this popular social media platform. By optimizing your Official Account, strategically using keywords, engaging with user-generated content, and collaborating with influencers, you can enhance your brand’s discoverability and reach a wider audience on WeChat. Remember to conduct thorough keyword research, create valuable content, and maintain an active presence to maximize your brand’s visibility. With careful implementation of these strategies, you can effectively utilize WeChat Search/SEO to boost your brand’s visibility and connect with your target audience on this influential platform. Deep Digital China has rich experience in WeChat search/SEO, if any demands or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.