How Universities in UK Attract Chinese Students?

China is the largest country of origin for international students in the world-particularly in the UK. It has over 40% of Chinese students consider studying. The article guides you how to attract Chinese students to UK university.

The higher education environment is more competitive than ever before

The latest research shows that a predicted 50,000 Chinese students will apply to undergraduate courses at UK universities by 2030. And nearly half of those getting accepted into a program. Those 24,000 entrants from China would mean a staggering 70% increase comparing 2021.

However, there is no room for complacency. The higher education environment is more competitive than ever before. Now more options are available to Chinese students — both local and global. COVID’s cataclysmic impact on mobility has changed the international student education sector irrevocably. But the emerging landscape indicates more than the fallout from disruptions on travel and in-person events. It reveals the fault lines in traditional recruitment approaches in an increasingly digital environment. The new winners in Chinese student recruitment will be the organisations that can best cut through the noise to connect. 

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Differentiate your campaigns to attract Chinese students

Recruiting Chinese international students was challenging prior to the global pandemic. But since the outbreak of Covid-19, marketing teams in UK higher education institutions have to be even smarter in the way they develop campaigns for prospective students. With a global focus on attracting Chinese students, listening to the student voice, and reflecting it in finely tuned, hyper-relevant marketing and recruitment programs, has never been more important.  

So pay close attention to the blended and online international experience from before the point of enquiry. And through communications and beyond enrollment, is key to converting prospects into admissions. And as students respond well to word of mouth and peer recommendations, student testimonials about positive online applications, enrollment and admissions experiences the university has facilitated might help to put prospective students at ease.  

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Top consideration: Future career impact and employability 

Overall, the top considerations for Chinese students  for specifically choosing to study in the UK are future career impact, reputation of the institution, and quality of the learning and research on offer. The university’s website, education agent and league tables or rankings influence their final decision.  Chinese students are increasingly making career focussed study decisions. In 2014, ‘institution reputation’ was the number one reason amongst Chinese international students. Since 2018 however, ‘future career impact’ has been number one for both undergraduates and postgraduates. So developing marketing campaigns that share the positive impact the institution and study will have on a Chinese international student’s future career will help to differentiate your university from the competition. And be sure to include the earning potential of specific course titles as well as the reputation of the institution (and the UK in general) in your campaigns. As Chinese student happiness is influenced by how prepared students feel for their next step after graduation, focusing case studies on employability and next steps is also likely to turn graduates into brand ambassador alumni.

Learning, living and support are at the top of the list for students from China choosing to study internationally. The host country’s culture is the key to their decision-making. Campaigns that also focus on the range of social activities they can engage in, any faith provisions you offer, and the opportunities to host their friends will help to attract these students. Showcasing the wealth of UK culture, and how easy it is to travel to and enjoy using your university as a base, will also help with this student group’s shortlisting. 

Case studies from happy students 

Sharing case studies from happy students who are eager to recommend your institute for a welcoming arrival, high-quality courses and learning provision, and excellent standards of living in safe, secure and diverse student communities will have appeal to all priority nationalities.

By sharing casual content about student life, events, and initiatives on a platform like Douyin and Xiaohongshu, you could give potential students a glimpse into what it would be like to study at your institution.

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Provide the best customer service to Chinese students

Additionally, to provide the best possible customer service to Chinese students, it is best to have someone fluent in Chinese to communicate with them in their native language. This person can respond to inquiries through your website or school emails, ensuring that Chinese students receive helpful and personalised assistance.

Leverage Online Platforms to attract Chinese students

Chinese students are increasingly using online platforms to search for universities, courses, and scholarships. Therefore, universities need to be present on popular Chinese websites such as Weibo, WeChat, and Baidu. Having your own quality Chinese landing page and online presence is essential. These websites allow universities to interact effectively with potential students and promote your institution.

Partner With Chinese Agents And Education Fairs

Using education agents in China to recruit Chinese students is a great way to expand international student recruitment efforts. In addition, education agents can access a wide network of potential students and provide valuable advice about Chinese education. There are several reasons Chinese students may turn to agents for assistance in finding and applying to universities abroad because of the language, cultural, and logistical challenges they may face. 

Many Chinese students may not be fluent in English, which can make it difficult for them to navigate the application process and communicate with universities directly. Agents who speak Chinese and English can help these students overcome this barrier and navigate the application process.

The complexity and time-consuming application process can feel daring if you do it yourself; therefore, with the help of an agency, you can be more assured and understand the institutions’ requirements and deadlines.

Contact-us to talk about your China Strategy and Goals

We are a professional Chinese digital marketing agency, focus on working with international education sectors. We know exactly what Chinese students are looking for, the kind of platforms they use and why. For the education market, we have worked for many schools, to help them promote their reputation in China. If you are looking for ways to attract Chinese students to UK university, just contact Deep Digital China to talk about your China strategy and goals, we will strongly support about it.