Outbound Team Tours are Coming Back for Chinese Tourists

Finally outbound team tours are coming back for Chinese tourists. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Notice on the Pilot Restoration of the Business of Chinese Citizens’ Outbound Team Travel to Relevant Countries by Travel Agencies, which arranged for the resumption of the business of Chinese citizens’ outbound team travel to relevant countries by travel agencies. From February 6, the pilot will resume the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises to operate the outbound group travel of Chinese citizens to relevant countries and the ‘air ticket+hotel’ business.

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From now on, travel agencies and online travel enterprises can carry out preparations for product release, publicity and promotion. After the release of the notice, the search volume of outbound group-following products on the online tourism platform increased by five times. Last night, the relevant outbound and group tours and ‘air ticket+hotel’ products of many travel agencies and online travel platforms were put on the shelves.

Search volume of outbound team tours products rose 5 times

Tongcheng revealed that after the announcement, the search volume of outbound tourism products on the platform increased by more than 5 times. Among them, Thailand was the most popular overseas destination country. Of course, the search volume of related tourism products in Thailand increased by 430%. In addition, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia also ranked among the top five destinations of outbound tourism for domestic tourists.

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With the encryption of outbound flights and the further increase of open countries, the tourism market will restor in 2023. According to the analysis of Tongcheng Research Institute, the outbound tourism market will enter the recovery cycle. However, the recovery rhythm of the overseas destination market will also be different. Chinese tourists will first consider destinations with more convenient policies for domestic tourists. In addition, overseas destinations with warm climate in Southeast Asia and South Asia are also the main choice for Chinese tourists in winter.

After the release of notice, many travel agencies and online travel platforms integrated relevant destination products immediately. At the same time, they put the first batch of group travel and ‘air ticket+hotel’ products on the shelves. Guangzhou Travel Service put the relevant outbound travel routes of the agency on the evening of the 20th. After that, Ctrip plans to quickly launch nearly 100 outbound travel group products.

List of pilot countries for outbound team tours is visa convenient

According to the relevant arrangements of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Tourism, the list of pilot countries to resume outbound tourism includes Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Russia, Switzerland, Hungary, New Zealand, Fiji, Cuba and Argentina.

Most of the outbound travel countries in the pilot are destinations with relatively convenient visa, transportation or entry policies. And also, many of them have recently announced that they welcome Chinese tourists to visit. In addition, they will launch a series of new experiences that meet the new needs of Chinese tourists.

Mr. Lin Jiaze is the director of the Guangzhou Office of the National Tourism Administration of Thailand. He said that in 2023, the National Tourism Administration of Thailand will launch the new theme to the world. Ideally, it’s about ‘the magic new chapter of the year of tourism in Thailand’. Moreover, it will focus on Thai cuisine, films, fashion, festivals and other contents. In addition, they will strive to make tourists who travel to Thailand have a new experience that wakes up their senses.

More airline arrangement will present

With the further enrichment of outbound travel routes, Chinese tourists will travel more convenient. Spring Airlines resumed the airline’s route from Guangzhou to Bangkok on January 20. Immediately, the passenger rate of the first flight reached 100%. Spring Airlines currently operates 9 China-Thailand routes from Guangzhou to Bangkok and from Guangzhou to Chiang Mai. In the future, it will resume the routes from Guangzhou to Phuket.

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