In this artice, we will talk about preparations for Baidu SEO. Baidu takes up to more than 70% of China search engine market share. Therefore, we recommend foreign brands to focus on Baidu for continuous organic traffic growth.
Some people are trying to jump into it without thinking too much. However, we strongly suggest that you make preparations as following:

Firstly, language is key of preparations for Baidu SEO
- Language is extremely important when it comes to Chinese SEO. Because Baidu favors simplified Chinese more than any other languages. Even traditional Chinese is a different language in Chinese SEO perspective. So if your content is in English, it would be very difficult to compete with websites in Chinese.
- Another thing is to avoid using English pages on your Chinese website. It would confuse the Chinese search engines. As a result,the website becomes less friendly to them. However, we have seen in many cases that this is not avoidable. For instance, a client is using a TLD and all country sites are under secondary domains.
- Regarding English-Chinese translation, please take care of it properly. Because you need to meet high standards of linguistic and cultural localization. We have copywriters who are able to do the content localization for clients. Please feel free to reach out.

Secondly,domain name
A primary domain name is a plus while a secondary one is acceptable. Many non-Chinese companies started their business with a .com or .net domains. When it comes to marketing in China, they would consider using a .cn domain. Alternatively, they put a sub-domain under their global site. Honestly, both work but you better consider whether to use a Chinese domain for Baidu SEO. Either way, it would be a choice for the long run. So carefully think before you pick a domain for Baidu SEO.
Thirdly, hosting
- Considering the loading speed, it’s great to host your website in mainland China. And It’s acceptable to host it in Hongkong or Singapore. Nevertheless, it’s acceptable to host outside China if the loading speed is reasonable.
- Hosting in China requires you to have a ICP license. And ICP license is connected with a Chinese company. Therefore, you need to register a Chinese company first.
- We can provide recommendations on the hosting choice. Just let us know your expectations on the Baidu SEO.

Moreover, ICP license
ICP license is a specific registration in China. Prefer to have one but acceptable for not having one. If you want to host your sites in mainland China, you must get one. However as discussed above, you can host anywhere if the loading speed in China is good. In a word, an ICP license is not a must for Baidu SEO.
Lastly, regular updates on the website are core of preparations for Baidu SEO
It’s important to create quality new contents on your website. Prepare for a daily update on your website to get the best results. We could plan, design, create and optimize the content with SEO purposes and rules.
We are Deep Digital China, you partner in Chinese digital marketing. Please contact us if you need us to guide you through preparations for Baidu SEO.