Promising Signs for China Outbound Tourism Market

China outbound tourism market has been quiet for almost three years. As a result, many international tourism companies are keen to know when China will open its borders for international tourism. However, there have been no official information on that. We predict that China may open up in 2023, more likely in the second quarter, according to some signals.

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1. Domestic anti-epidemic measures are being adjusted and optimized, health codes and negative nucleic acid test results are not required for domestic travel (from December 7, 2022).

2. The length of entry quarantine has been shortening from 14-day central quarantine to 7 days to 5 days currently [December 2022].

3. Entry requirements have been simplified. The requirement for a PU letter for work visas is no longer in force, and student visas and family reunion visas are now being processed again.

4. The pre-flight requirements of 7-day self-administered health monitoring and multiple PCR tests before boarding have been simplified. Now just need one PCR test within 48 hours before departure.  

5. There are changes for flight options from not allowing transfers to multiple stops permitted. Abrogation of flight circuit-breaker mechanism (temporarily banning flights with too many COVID cases).

6. The government is developing and optimizing its medical preparation. For example, expanding stocks of COVID medicines, optimizing medical procedures, improving vaccination rates for the elderly and children, etc.

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How to prepare for the restart of China outbound tourism market?

As we all know, the global pandemic has halted international travel. But there are already some signs that China will open international tourism pretty soon. And how does a forward-looking company prepares for an influx of Chinese tourists?

Refresh Old Content on Tourism

One way to prepare for the influx of Chinese tourists is to refresh old content. This includes updating your website and marketing materials to reflect current COVID policies and procedures. You should also ensure that any staff dealing with Chinese guests are familiar with cultural customs and expectations.

If you have social media account targeting Chinese tourists, now is an excellent time to update your content. Post new pictures and videos, and write blog posts about topics that would be of interest to your target audience.

By taking these steps, you can show potential customers that you are a business that is both competent and culturally sensitive.

Buid a Chinese Website

If your website is not already available in Chinese, now is a good time to invest in building a Chinese website. This will make it easier for potential customers to find your business and learn about what you have to offer. Once your website is set up, promote it on Chinese social media platforms, such as WeChat and Weibo.

You may also create targeted marketing materials. Since Chinese travelers are often more interested in different aspects of travel than other nationalities. It’s essential to develop marketing materials specifically tailored to their interests.

For example, you might want to highlight the unique features of your destination that would appeal to Chinese travelers, such as its historical significance or beautiful scenery. You can also include information about any special events or activities that will be taking place during their visit.

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Learn More About the China Outbound Tourism Market

Take some time to read up on the latest trends in Chinese tourism. This will help you better understand the needs and preferences of your target market. Moreover, it ensure that you can provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for your guests.

As we all know, the COVID pandemic has had a devastating effect on the travel industry. Chinese tourists, in particular, have been reluctant to travel internationally since the outbreak began. However, travel businesses can do some things to prepare for when Chinese tourism resumes. Here are a few points:

First of all, to attract Chinese tourists, you need to understand what they’re looking for in a destination. What kind of attractions are they interested in? What type of accommodation do they prefer? The more you know about the Chinese tourism market, the better positioned you’ll be to attract visitors.

What’s more, once you better understand the Chinese tourism market, you can start developing a marketing strategy. How will you reach potential customers? What kind of message will you use? What kind of deals or discounts can you offer? Therefore, an effective marketing strategy will make it much easier to attract Chinese tourists when China open international tourism.

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Final Thoughts on Tourism Companies Market in China

The opening of international tourism will bring more opportunities for foreigners who want to enter China. Therefore, If you seize the opportunities and take actions earlier than your competitors, you are more likely to perform better and get more Chinese tourists.

Deep Digital China can help overseas companies expand their footprint in China. Contact us today to learn more!