Tips on Managing Douyin Accounts-Part One

We will talk about tips on managing Douyin accounts in this article. In part one of this article, we will talk about account initialiation and account positioning.

The purpose of many users registering Douyin accounts is not to play and kill time, but to attract and promote through Douyin accounts. Therefore, it is indispensable to master skills of managing accounts.

Today, I will share with you the operating skills and practical methods of Douyin account.

Tips on Managing Douyin Accounts-Part One-p1


Part I: Managing Douyin Accounts: Initialization

Step one: account registration

  • Fill in the profile picture, gender and information completely.
  • The third-party account should be bound as much as possible.
  • Real-name authentication.
  • The longer the registration time, the higher the activity and the higher the weight.

Step two: account incubation

Focus on the field you want to do in the future, and go to the video. For example, if you want to be an account in the field of beauty makeup, then when you are watching videos, if you encounter a peer who is doing beauty makeup, do more likes, comments, reposts and other actions. Pay attention to some tuba in the same field.

Tips on Managing Douyin Accounts-Part One-p2

Try to brush other types of works in the past, and when you brush Douyin, when four or five in a row are works in the field you want to do, this number will be generally developed. It usually takes 3-7 days to raise a number.

Step 3: mind the operation rules

Whether it is batch operation of Douyin accounts or single-number operations, remember one rule: one mobile phone, one mobile phone card, and one Douyin account. In order to reduce risks, this Douyin account is only logged in on the current mobile phone, and the rest of the mobile phones are not logged in. Always use the Douyin account that you logged in at the beginning, and do not log in to other Douyin accounts.

Tips on Managing Douyin Accounts-Part One-p3

Part II: Managing Douyin Accounts: Positioning

Account positioning directly determines our fan growth rate, monetization method, how much money we make, the difficulty of making money, and the effect of attracting traffic. It also determines your content layout and account layout.

Here I share with you a core secret about Douyin account positioning: an account only focuses on one field (vertical positioning), and cannot post food today, English tomorrow, or games the day after tomorrow. Because Douyin vertical accounts, the technical threshold is lower, and it is easier to operate.

Please follow the four-step model:

  • Firstly, vertical positioning.
  • Secondly, in-depth content.
  • Thirdly, popular among followers.
  • Lastly, keep sharing.

In part two of this article, Deep Digital China will tell you how to learn from the best and integrate their essence into your account.

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