Tips on the SEO Marketing on Xiaohongshu App in 2022

The online sphere shifted from one dominated by two players to one including a host of new players. For instance, Alibaba, which contributed nearly half of overall e-commerce channel growth in 2020, saw its market share drop to 35 percent. Other players including Pinduoduo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu and WeChat ate away at its dominant market share.

Digitalization remains to be the way ahead, and China is a world leader in ecommerce and digital marketing innovation. Today, we would like to discuss more about Xiaohongshu.

There is a saying “Chinese girls treat Xiaohongshu as Baidu”. As we known that Baidu is the largest search engine in China, therefore this saying encapsulates a key behavior of consumers using Xiaohongshu. On Xiaohongshu, people not only scroll through their feed to discover new content, but also often actively search for content on the app, typing in brand and product names., thus means it is important for brands to consider SEO and hot keywords when creating content for Xiaohongshu. Here are a couple tips for optimizing your content: 

Tip1: Find out trending topics

The easiest way to make your content be seen is to take advantage of trending keywords. But how can you spot the trends? You can go to the search page and see what are the words in grey that appear in the search bar. Those are topics that other users are searching for. Then look below that at the recommended section, those are topics other users are searching for as well.

After capturing those key phrases, try to put them into your post title and content. In this case, the system will automatically recommend your content to more people, so the post gets more exposure.

Tip2: Find out related and long-tail keywords

If you want to write about something that’s not included either in the searching column nor in the recommended content section, you can just type in your keywords in the search bar, the search result will let you see some related keywords or some long-tail keywords. You can select and choose these keywords to include in your posts titles and contents.

It depends on how popular your original search term is, but it is still much more effective to use these long-tail keywords into your post, which will help to gain more impressions in front of your target audience.

Tip3: Find out popular keywords that describe your brand or products

If your brand or product is new to Chinese users, it is much more effective to focus on inserting popular keywords into your posts instead of exactly using the name of your product or brand.

You need to think about what type of keywords your target users will put in the searching bar if they are looking for your content, then you will get the inspirations about how to write the posts.

Tip4: Make users to use your keywords in the comments zone Another way to increase your posts’ exposure is the comment zone as comments also count towards a brand’s SEO. So you may want to think about how to end your post and guide users to put those keywords in the comments section.

Find more China online digital marketing solutions, please feel free to contact DDC. We are China marketing innovators and will provide customized solutions for your brand.