What Makes a Great Holiday Marketing Campaign?

Generally, the holidays are unprecedented in terms of how consumers will behave. Equally, it is crucial for all businesses. Hence it is the right time to ramp up your holiday marketing campaigns to manage business revenue. An effective marketing campaign can engage customers, being on the top of their mind gives you a definite edge over your competitors.

Key Elements of a Successful Holiday Marketing Strategy

Beforehand planning for holiday campaigns is essential to capitalize on it. When executed effectively, the marketing ideas entice your customers to make more purchases.

Here are the key elements that go into a successful holiday marketing campaign and creates a great shopping experience.

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1. Define your audience

Identify and segment your target audience and collect detailed insights about them. Learn about their preferred channels, do they prefer to consume information on their desktop or mobile? These insights help in making informed marketing decisions for holiday promotions.

2. Review the previous holiday marketing campaign

Auditing the performance of the previous holiday campaigns help you to understand the behavior of your target audience. You can learn the past trends better and how it impacted the growth of your business. Soliciting all the information will help to define objectives for a better holiday marketing strategy.

3. Set up your goals

Once you understand your target audience and audit the previous holiday campaigns, you can set realistic goals for the upcoming holiday season. The insights will help make your goals more customer focused, and at the same time getting as many sales as possible from holiday shoppers.

4. Measure your KPIs

When you are done with outlining your holiday marketing campaign goals, you have to define the key business KPIs in terms of achieving a fixed percentage of growth in sales. You have to determine the customer engagement tools, such as interacting with customers instantly across their preferred channels, so to deliver an excellent holiday customer service experience.

5. Use a more content-driven approach

With the growth of online shopping, customers are more familiar with holiday campaigns than ever before. They often see the same thing year after year, so their eyes may glaze over at the traditional sales and marketing tactics.

Using content marketing as a method to reach customers, we’ll see brands offer more personalized shopping experiences, including discount codes and holiday gift guides.

Adding a content strategy element to your holiday marketing ideas can reap big rewards, especially if you keep SEO in mind, this optimized content will help drive organic traffic to your website. When customers search for products that you sell, and your website pop up on the first page of Baidu, they are likely to click and make the purchase even if they’ve never shopped with you before.

If you want to introduced a new brand voice, or a new customer marketing strategy over the past year, be sure to weave that new messaging into your holiday campaigns. Otherwise, it may result in a disjointed customer experience.

6. Consider an influencer strategy

Did you know that 75 percent of millennials purchase decisions are influenced by a brand’s social media presence? The effectiveness of influencers wavers between industries, but many companies use social media marketing during the holidays.

Marketing channels are clear avenues for brand interaction during the holidays. They include WeChat, Weibo, Zhihu, TikTok and Little Red Book.

Apply an influencer holiday advertising strategy to make your presence known to social media users.

7. Create a real reason to buy

When creating your holiday marketing plans, make sure you’re clearly incentivizing shoppers to visit your online store and complete a purchase. There is a fine line between haphazard discounting or giveaways and creating a relationship with your customers. You don’t want to devalue your brand to the point where customers think it’s cheap. They might not be compelled to make a repeat purchase.

The holiday season isn’t just about creating revenue — it’s also about establishing connections with customers who will return to purchase in the offseason. Make sure that customer retention is top of mind during any marketing decision you make for the holidays.

8. Don’t forget about your existing customers

Chances are that the visitors who come to your website during the holidays will be a healthy mix of new and returning customers. It is a different pathway for repeat customer and new customer to make purchases, so make considerations for both while building out your plans.

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The Final Word upon Holiday Marketing Strategy

The holiday season will make or break revenue goals for almost every brand. But it’s harder for brands to succeed during the holidays. The reason behind that is that there is an increase in customers shopping online. However it’s with a constant stream of competition. But there are steps you can take in advance that can position your brand above others and earn loyal customers.

Start planning now, optimize your content, keep your customers in mind during every decision you make and don’t forget about establishing lifetime value with your brand. That way, the holidays won’t just be the busiest time of the year, but also the most successful.

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